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0480 265 465



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I have gained 25 years’ experience working as a business manager, CFO and senior instructor in the fitness and martial arts industry. In this time, I attained the rank of 6th Dan Master level which is awarded to instructors who are able to coach and inspire everyday people to a level of black belt competency. To achieve this, I have centred my purpose on helping people overcome the persistent emotions and hidden interferences that prevent them from reaching their full potential.

In the early years of my career, I never understood why so many people who wanted to change kept failing. Over time, I realised why some people had success changing. They let go of their history and intentionally reinvented their identity.

The most significant discovery was that when people applied the lessons of expertise to their lives, their lives they vastly improved. After all the fundamentals of high performance transcend craft. I can show you how.

I am committed to your progress and will serve you powerfully so that you experience a fulfilled life whilst making a positive difference.

Black Belt Standard

In the combative arena, nothing short of high performance is acceptable. The practitioner must maintain exceptional standards amidst stress, uncertainty and volatility. The business world has parallels in the demands it places on leaders. That is why the black belt metaphor is very apt. It's an inclusive symbol recognised the world over; it is strongly associated with people who exemplify grit, excellence, and self-discipline. I challenge and empower my clients towards a black belt standard of self-mastery in all areas of their life.


My Mission

To help leaders gain mastery over their lives so they can experience career success, personal fulfilment and greater self-expression.


My Values

At the heart of everything I do there are three central values that are my driving force:

  •   Integrity First – I cannot help leaders and executives reach their full potential and authentic selves without holding integrity in such high regard. Maintaining my integrity allows me to offer the best service and honest conversations.
  •   Customised Service – I seek to develop proactive and effective working relationships with leaders and executives. Through the confidential, thought-provoking space I create, clients develop trust in me. I value their trust highly and with it, I'm able coach the best results possible for them. 
  •   Continuous Improvement – I have not managed to achieve everything I have over the last couple of decades without realising the benefit of refining my practices. To the untrained eye, a lot of changes probably went unnoticed. However, these changes have helped me to shape my practice. I continually seek unprecedented levels of satisfaction for my clients.


My Brand Promise

I serve growth-minded individuals effectively by adhering to my brand promise. These promises lead to high performance coaching that delivers results for my clients.

  •   Clarify - The first critical step in getting unstuck. Define clear and meaningful outcomes.
  •   Align - Ensure desired results are aligned with values, needs and intentions.
  •   Create - Drawn on internal resources of creativity and genius to develop action plans.

A coaching system for you

After working with mentors and teachers and through extensive research and coaching experience, I have been able to create a system to facilitate transformation for my clients. The C.O.A.C.H. system was designed especially to meet the recurring and evolving leadership needs and struggles. This forms the backbone of my coaching process enabling me to help you create the life and results you want.

Clarify - Gain deep clarity on your true core objectives
Orient - Boldly face the realities and discover the opportunities
Align - Align with your values and needs for sustainable action
Create - Draw on your genius resources for creative solutions
Habituate - Install the necessary high performance habits

Speak to Richard Souza Today

If you are an executive, leader or just an overall high achiever, my programs can help you enjoy the kind of success you truly desire. It all starts with the first Strategy experience. This is when we collaborate to gain clarity on what is most important to you, a plan to achieve it and decide if my coaching will be a right fit for you or not.

Have a Black Belt Life Coach in your corner. Take the first step today and book a FREE STRATEGY SESSION.

I look forward to speaking to you and helping you reach your full potential.

0480 265 465


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