The advice on success you are about to read is simple yet truly profound. These two requirements for success were stated by a famous oil billionaire who was formerly bankrupt raising cotton in Arkansas, USA. His name was H. L. Hunt and he didn’t let the financial devastation stop him. Instead, he demonstrated the unbeatable mindset of the modern warrior. In doing so, Hunt went on to build a fortune of several billion dollars and become one of the world's richest men. Now you will learn his strategy for success.
When Hunt was asked for his formula for success, he said that you only needed two things to be successful. He said, "First, decide exactly what it is you want. Most people never do that. Second, determine the price you're going to have to pay to get it, and then resolve to pay that price."
Know what you want
Most people actually think about what they don’t want. They tend to dwell and ruminate on their unfortunate circumstances. After all, haven’t we all been there at times? We are easily dragged into pity parties or somebody-did-me-wrong songs. It’s crucial to remember life gives us a menu with limitless choices.
Why should you select only what you can afford? Instead, contemplate the ideal life you want. What would be your ideal vocation? You must begin with absolute clarity. Your brain’s reticular activating system which is your laser-targeting mechanism requires you to identify the target with sharp images not vague landscapes. Clarity precedes mastery.
Determine the price
Now you've made a decision know there is a price to pay. There will be a cost-benefit analysis you will need to conduct. For example, you can be as pioneering as Steve Jobs who said “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.” However, Jobs was considered a tyrant by many employees although his unflinching creative drive left a global impact. On the other hand, H.L. Hunt was quoted as saying “Write me as one that loves his fellow-men.”
You can be as visionary as SpaceX founder Elon Musk who says he is available at 2am if his team want to call him! Whatever your dream there will be necessary sacrifices. Weigh them in advance. Do your due diligence and consider the pros and cons. The way of the warrior is one of calculated sacrifice.
In conclusion, consider one guideline to this advice on success: establish your priorities. I have taught hundreds of people and I can confidently say that those who converted their goals into priorities transformed their lives. You can too. To sum up, define what you want, know the sacrifices, prioritise and get to work.