In a tug of war, you can look your opponent in the face. You can size them up and prime yourself for a gritty exchange. When you are striving for life transformation the adversary is quite deceptive because it is usually hiding within. Get ready to face your opponent and learn how to form an alliance.
The late renowned Harvard professor Clayton Christensen says “100 percent commitment is easier than 98 percent commitment.” You will know what he means if you have ever given yourself the option to miss just one workout or have just one fast food meal at work. You find yourself saying ‘After all, it’s only this one time, right?’ or ‘I’ve been doing so well. I deserve a break!’ What came next was a cascade of exceptions. Transformation eludes you yet again.
Here’s one key to financial prosperity. Pay yourself first. Here's how the savvy do it. They setup an automatic regular deduction from their wage account to an investment account. You can't spend what you don't have right? So they funnel it without having to rely on memory and will power. Decision-making has been eliminated once the original setup has been established.
When it comes to creating new positive rituals a mental tug of war occurs when you make room for multiple decisions at the crunch time. Worse still, if you have a career requiring you to make decisions all day long you are even more susceptible to straying from the path. Social psychologist Dr. Roy F. Baumeister coined the phrase Decision Fatigue. Simply said you are just too tired to debate in your favour by the end of the day.
As a result, you must play to win. In the realm of health, make your exercise regime and meal plans non-negotiable. This is just what you do and integrated into who you are. In relationships, schedule unplugged time with your partner and family. When it comes to business, fix a time-bound routine of critical high return tasks before low-return ones such as responding to emails. Life transformation requires you to become decisive by freeing yourself from having to make a choice. When the time arrives, the decision has already been made. Just do it!