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The 5 Dimensions of High Level Wellness


High level wellness is within reach of everyone. However wellness goes far beyond the physical aspect of your being. Whilst it's the most tangible, optimal living requires more than just weight loss or aerobic fitness or a toned physique. Although these would be nice to have, the quality of your five dimensional self produces effective living.

The term “high level wellness” was a state of well-being named by Dr Halbert L. Dunn in 1961. Dr Dunn described this state wherein you are “alive clear to the tips of your fingers. You have energy to burn. You tingle with vitality. At times like these, the world is a glorious place.” Wow it sounds like lofty ideal but this visionary thinking led to many wellness centres that are still present to this day. This little blog can't do justice to the amazing comprehensive community service these centres provide.  However, it just may just enlighten you to where you should be placing more attention. 

Stress control

How often do you meditate? What is your frequency and types of stress experienced? Do you have the ability to have fun and stay loose and what are you creative outlets? In other words, can you relax and chill? A clinic can offer biofeedback training to teach relaxation however you can introduce massages, sauna and hot tub baths into your life. Meditation and mindfulness are also practices worthy of you. Of course, nothing beats spending time in nature.

Self responsibility

Having an aim in life or a sense of purpose is paramount to attaining high level wellness. Finding a means of self-expression is so pertinent for joy. The neglect of which explains in part why we have a mostly disengaged workforce.

Self responsibility also means that you come to terms with your contribution to the stress and tension in your life. You can't improve something you are not willing to take ownership of. You can document you emotional responses to events, new insights, experiences in a journal to aid in this process. Journaling is a go-to for some of the peak performers out there.

Nutritional awareness

Being informed about your bodies nutritional requirements is a great start. It's worthwhile to note the gap between what you are consuming that is nutrient rich versus calorie heavy. To keep it simple (although not easy) consider reducing sugar and flour-based foods. Do your best to eat more raw vegetables, fruit and unprocessed foods. If you find your stress levels tend to be stretched, consider a high potency multi-vitamin to replenish the excess minerals you are burning.

Physical fitness

Fitness efforts should be geared towards any activity that fosters endurance, flexibility and strength. I know you are busy, but those who don't make time for health will have to make time for disease. Find ways to introduce aerobic activity and yoga stretching if possible. You don't have to join a club, you can create you own home wellness studio.

Environmental sensitivity

There are three aspects of your environment - the physical, the social and the personal. The first two include geographical aspects and social conditions (economy, government, etc.) The personal component is how you have setup your immediate surroundings. Do they inhibit or facilitate you efforts towards wellness?

Here are some principles for physical/social sensitivity: consider environmentally friendly living, stop smoking, eat lower on the food chain and drive by fast-foods. Here are some principles for personal sensitivity: catalog the impact of your personal environment and consider what has to go and design a space that is conducive towards your self-actualisation.  Upgrade your needs to preferences: Make sure your well-being isn't tied to a 'must have' rather a 'like to have'. Stay self-aware and check-in with who you are, where you want to go and how you arrived where you are.

Against all mathematical odds you were born on planet earth. The sheer probability that you exist is mind-boggling. Just ponder how many couples had to come together 10 generations back so that eventually your parents could raise you up like Simba in the Lion King. Would it be fair then to say that you didn’t arrive to merely be a fraction of you? Slowly integrate the five dimensions of high level wellness into your life and become the whole person you were designed to be.

These principles were adapted from the works of Donald B. Ardell.