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Leadership & Life Mastery 

Unlock your potential for a fulfilling and regret-free life
Outer success is just the start. Inner fulfilment is where joy lives. Are you ready to play full out for life mastery? This program is not just for leaders. It’s for anyone willing to take their life to a whole new level of personal power and expression towards greater contribution and influence.

Politicians, parents, bankers, baristas, executives and educators all having something in common. They have thoughts, a consciousness and creative capacity. As a result, they all operate by the same truths and misconceptions. These truths form a science for my coaching practice.

Amongst these truths is that there is weakness that hides within everyone. As a coach bringing the warrior edge, I challenge these inner forces so this program is not for comfort seekers. Growth requires friction. Why stay comfortable with your one special life?

You will be amazed at the results, vitality and joy you can experience after taking a deep exploration in five fundamental life areas.

Make this year unlike any other you’ve known


What got you here won't get you there. Progress in your craft will require you to challenge what you excel at. You may be adding too much value which interferes with buy-in. Are you drawing out the best from your team or have you unknowingly stifled initiative and nurtured sheep instead of lions? You will upgrade your failures to assets and success to significance.


Energy is freedom. Whilst it’s locked up in mental rumination, emotional fears and physiological fatigue, your potential remains unexpressed.
Feeling stuck? Usually, restoring flow is just one thought away. World class performance requires flow state and energy rituals. You will access your superconscious levels of creative potential.


The trouble with outer success is the relationship sacrifices made. It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s not a question of your time, it’s a matter of value prioritisation. Full disclosure: the truly critical relationship in need of exploration is the one you have with yourself. Nurture flourishing relationships through mindful presence and intentional positivity ratio. Become a role model of possibility to those you influence.


Go beyond title, roles and first world symbols. Legacy is not a portfolio. You don’t have to make a dent in the universe. You need to make a crease of positive impact on the lives you touch. You are the expert on your joy and knowing who you are plays a part in this. Legacy is not about death. We are all going to die, so you may as well do it will you’re alive. Transformation requires sacrifice, like a caterpillar that must give up its present identity to become what it might be.


It’s profound how many people have gone so far in their lives without knowing how their mind works. Imagine how much further you could once you do! Your mind goes beyond grey matter. Knowing the rules and aspects of your mind is critical for wellbeing and expressing your potential.
Understanding the nature of mind taps unlimited creativity and personal genius. Barriers, plateaus and conflict are transcended here first. Mind is the final frontier.

Areas of personalised mastery level coaching

  • Develop the practices of positive influence and deepening communications
  • Discover the secret order that governs your life and align with it for personal power
  • Building a positive self-concept to increase your mental toughness to take action
  • Self-care and mental wellness protocols to increase vitality and reduce fatigue
  • Develop mindfulness practices for peak performance and stress recovery
  • Learn simple emotional regulation practices to manage situational pressure
  • Understand how to enter flow state for creativity and problem solving

Striver beware, this exclusive program is only for those wanting to take full ownership of their life which requires self mastery. It will be the deepest and most constructively confrontational work of your life and the most significant. The ultimate objective is that by reaching for the best in yourself you can then reach for the best in others. That is the essence of life mastery.

Your life experience will be a result of what you have paid attention to. Are you ready to gain profound clarity, define direction and irrevocably commit to the vision you've put off for too long?

Unlock your potential for a greater experience of living

  • 12 x 2 hour coaching sessions conducted within 1 year
  • Face-to-face for optimum coaching alliance
  • Bimonthly accountability calls
  • 'The Everyday Warrior' eBook 
  • 'The Black Belt Mindset' eCourse
  • Personalised journal
  • Additional resources specific to your needs
  • Retrospective report on completion
  • Only 3 places available yearly at this highest level of co-creative collaboration
  • Leadership & Life Mastery fee: $10,000

My coaching is not for the feint-hearted. I have found people playing full out at this level appreciate the uncomfortable yet necessary conversations. Only serious and passionate applicants need apply.

Some clients say I have a gift. You can decide for yourself. What I do know is I care about your possibility and I’m willing to trust my insights and share them with you authentically and fearlessly. The question is, do you care enough to play full out also?

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