The country is at war. The eldest male in every family is commanded to take arms for the empire. Mulan has a decision before her. Let her elderly father, the only male in the family who is handicapped face certain peril. Or, disguise herself as a male soldier and go in his stead. What does this young village girl do? Mulan, which means “magnolia flower” summons the warrior within and embarks without word to her loved ones.
Now begins the heroes’ journey. It always starts with a call to action and is usually one that the hero feels is beyond their capacity. In some cases, they choke and refuse. Inevitably, they step up. They do not succumb to the comfort-driven couch-potato within them. Instead, they demonstrate resolve. How do you do this? It starts with a cause grander than oneself. As former USA president, Theodore Roosevelt said the warrior is someone who spends themselves, “in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Next you need to understand your nature. You are wired to conserve energy. Keeping active for the sake of it was not a lifestyle choice in a primitive age. Your ancestors lived amongst scarcity. They couldn’t call Uber Eats at will. Knowing this, accept that you will have tendencies towards leisure-seeking behaviour. Don’t fight your nature. Instead, remember your cause and take deliberate steps forward.
Now you need to be clear which identity you are operating from. In the moment of choice between the nutella donut or the walk in the park, call forth your warrior identity. Your inner-Mulan desires entertainment. Now is the time for you to recognise the part of you that is action-oriented. It’s the hunter in you. The go-getter. Use that persona to deliver on your promises of a better life.
The warrior within is accessible to you today. Learn to draw on this archetype for it holds the key the resources of endurance and an unbeatable spirit. It provides you with what psychology calls “grit”. It is the essence of perseverance and passion coming together for the purpose of a worthy ideal.